💛 5-Point-Update (Lighthearted, politics-free issue!)
You're going to love today's lighthearted, politics-free issue of my newsletter!
“In my opinion, if we are going to fight the war on terror, a good place to start would be our own country’s haunted houses.”
Norm MacDonald
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you are having a fantastic day! Today I wanted to do a newsletter that is free from politics and the heaviness of the world.
Please forward this newsletter to all of your friends and family! 😀
Here are the five points I think you will like today...
🤣 FIRST, a tribute to Norm!
We lost Norm MacDonald this past week. I loved his dry sense of humor. Here’s a taste…
🥷 SECOND, here is the real Spiderman.
I am amazed at what humans can do if they put their minds to it. I’m sure Hollywood is going to hire him as a stuntman.
🌅 THIRD, Amazing Grace.
I love this version of Amazing Grace. I only wish I could have been in the room to hear 200 master bagpipers playing at the same time.
VERY IMPORTANT! If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please become a Premium Member. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country.
🚂 FOURTH, a flashback in time.
I’m fascinated by steam engines and imagining how people lived at the turn of last century. We think we are in revolutionary times right now, but electricity, the telephone and steam power forever changed the world. This gentleman recreated a 150 Case Road Locomotive from the early 1900s.
🚗 FIFTH, what does it mean to love your fellow man?
About ten years ago (probably more), I was driving and I was late for an appointment. Of course, I got stuck behind a driver who was ridiculously slow. I was boxed in and couldn’t pass. And I got angry. As soon as I was able, I quickly changed lanes and drove up next to him and was going to let my anger loose.
But then I saw the man who was driving. And he looked exactly like my father.
My anger melted, and I changed in that moment. I thought that if that were my father, I would have patience with him. I would understand that he moves at a different speed sometimes, and I would be Ok with that. I also wouldn’t want other people to get angry with him.
On that day, my anger died. Yes, I still get upset sometimes, but not very often at other people. Everyone is someone’s son, father, mother or sister. They are loved by someone, and they are loved by God. Each is going through struggles, and there is a point to those struggles. We are here to learn to be better people, to love as God loves.
I hope you liked this lighthearted version of my newsletter! Have a great week!
Please remember to forward this issue to everyone you love!
Glenn 💛
💬 P.S. If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. I am an independent voice. I don’t work for anyone else, so the only money I make is from people who become premium subscribers. It’s important to support independent voices who are actual truth seekers, because this is a rare thing in our world today. Your support will definitely help.
So much wisdom in what you wrote, Glenn. I used to be quick to anger. That along with being too serious, impatient and intense. Those qualities were my armor against getting hurt.
Sometimes it felt like I was just born that way. The most unfortunate part was that I hurt people close to me. I would have to work hard to repair the damage. Now, when I get a little down for whatever reason, there are still regrets I have to process. But I too have learned to transmute the anger into a more compassionate form of energy.
Incredible news letter. As always. Thank you for the moving content. God bless!