“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.”
Alfred Austin
Hi from Glenn!
I hope you’re ready for a great week!
Here are the five points I think you will like today...
🌽 🥕 FIRST, I want to tell you about a very important online event that is coming up soon, which is Marjory Wildcraft’s “The Grow System Summit”.
Have you ever considered growing your own food? Maybe it’s to get back to nature and enjoy the outdoors, or maybe you’re curious about having your own backyard chickens, or maybe you want to eat healthier food.
Most people think it’d be a great “idea” to increase food security and gain all the health benefits that come from growing your own food, but they assume it will take too much Time, too much Space, and be too Hard.
According to Marjory though, that’s simply not true.
Marjory has decades of experience and has taught hundreds of thousands of people the easy path to freeing yourself from reliance on the unstable food chains and to ensure food security for you and your family.
During Marjory’s “The Grow System Summit” she will show you how to grow half of your food in your backyard (or rooftoop), taking less than an hour a day.
And by creating your own garden, you will get back to nature, enjoy getting dirty again, eat delicious and healthy food, and save a lot of money.
That is true wealth.
This summit is your best chance to discover everything you ever wanted to know about creating a sustainable life, on ALL levels. The step by step to health, wealth and happiness starts here!
📞 💸 SECOND, yesterday I spent some time with an older lady who has been living in a nursing home and has been quite lonely over the past year, and we just talked. She was agitated, so I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had been taken by a phone scammer. While she had lost only a couple hundred dollars, it could have been much worse - her intuition kicked in and she stopped the call just in time.
If you have ever fallen for one of these scammers, you know that in addition to feeling terribly violated, you also feel humiliated and stupid. But I urge you to not feel this way. These people are actually very sophisticated, and they are ruthless.
And they prey on your goodness.
Here is a video of a phone scam that is very similar to the one my friend almost fell for. Note that the people in the video are making well over $100,000 per day with this scam, and this is only one of many scammer groups out there.
(You will notice that the guy who made this video is the same guy who made the squirrel obstacle course I shared last year).
If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. I’m an independent voice who is a truth seeker, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country. This newsletter is currently not bringing in enough money to support itself, so your support will definitely help.
📜🗽 THIRD, a few days ago I sent you a notice about my new venture, which is very important to me (it’s an extension of what I am doing with this newsletter) and it’s called CherishtheConstitution.org. I also have the Cherish the Constitution Manifesto, which I hope you will really appreciate. This is in stock and ready to go.
Please see my intro video here…
Yes, I’m still going to do this newsletter as well, but CherishtheConstitution.org will be laser focused on inspiring people about why they should care about the Constitution and restoring our God-Given freedoms. Please sign up for this new newsletter and share it to everyone you can. Thank you!
👁 🏦 FOURTH, as you know, big tech and big brother do everything they can to track, monitor and record everything about you, so they can use this information to manipulate you.
The next thing on their radar? Tracking your eye movements. Here’s a quick snapshot of what they can learn about you by scanning your eyes…
This is one of many things they do to track, monitor and control you. Please remember my Privacy Action Plan course. When you sign up for the Privacy Action Plan, you will receive a couple emails each month with small, bite-sized things to do to secure your online privacy. People love the course.
Use the coupon code gmnewsletter50%off to receive 50% off of the price, or get the course for free by becoming a premium member to this newsletter.
🧬 🦠 FIFTH, I can’t leave without saying something about the crazy virus cult that continues to dominate in our society. After a year of evidence that masks don’t work, lockdowns make it worse, that the media loves fear mongering and the government loves stealing our freedoms, I’m amazed, ABSOLUTELY AMAZED, that people still believe this stuff.
So here are some quick points…
I said last April that the media LOVES this situation. They love anything they can use to fear monger, and they will never de-escalate the situation. So here’s a video of the director of CNN absolutely admitting this. And he also says that since people are now getting COVID-fatigue, they are going to now start focusing on climate change, because that is a fear that they can sustain. If people watch this and still believe what mainstream media says, then I don’t know what to say.
The result is that huge numbers of people overestimate how dangerous the disease is.
Every medical expert knows that the COVID virus is much smaller than the holes in masks, but the excuse has been that we want to reduce the respiratory droplets (coughing or sneezing), but that is not how the virus is transmitted. The virus is airborne, and masks are useless (here’s a video that shows how useless masks really are (and if that video gets taken down, here’s another copy).
There are still places that require masks outside, which is absolutely ridiculous. A new study shows that the virus is killed by sunlight 8 times faster than originally thought. Thinking people knew this already.
Texas got rid of all restrictions for COVID, and numbers continue to go down.
A CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese, which is something that we’ve known for a long time but the media would not report on.
After ignoring dozens of other studies on ivermectin for months, the New York Times got hold of a study the day it was published and penned an article titled, "Popular Drug Does Not Alleviate Mild Covid-19 Symptoms, Study Finds.” But it turns out that this study had huge errors. Why would they want to downplay a lifesaving drug? The media wanted to keep the fear-mongering going, and the pharmaceutical companies are not able to get an emergency vaccine authorization if there are any other treatments that work. Meanwhile, many people lost their lives who could have been saved from a simple drug.
SIXTH, here’s another lighthearted view of my favorite new family in New Zealand. I love this family and their lifestyle because it reminds me of my time with my grandfather in NZ.
Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter! Have a great week!
Glenn 💛
💬 P.S. If you like this newsletter and you like what I have to say, please consider becoming a Premium Member. It’s only $5 per month (or give more if you can). I am an independent voice. I don’t work for anyone else, so the only money I make is from people who become premium subscribers. I think it’s important to support independent voices who are actual truth seekers, because this is a rare thing in our world today. Journalists have lost their way, and many commentators stoke the division and hate that is consuming our country. Your support will definitely help.
In prior newsletter, you recommended Gold/Silver.com? Why? And would it be preferable to store in Singapore than here in USA?
The eye story is another reason why I am interested in alternatives to ZOOM.