You are completely right on! Rights come from God. It is a major reason the Big Brother types are trying to eradicate God/religion. Early Marxists found that God/religion and family ties prevented many people from embracing their philosophy of collectivism controlled from the top. This time, they want to get those things out of the way. That rights come from God - our very being comes from God, whether or not one sees God as an entity independent from us - and governments attempting to take our liberty and our right to choose from us are robbery at our expense.

I also agree that no cause whatsoever can be valid if it encourages people to submit to centralized control. However, that climate change is a hoax I do not buy. Simply looking around can show that our Earth, our only physical home, has been polluted violated, and bullied by the notion that people create better than God and that technology and convenience are triumphant, having overcome Nature and the world that God created (from either viewpoint, harm has been done.) The solution is not to control and mandate everyone (which will only make things worse) but to open our eyes and quit whatever we are doing that harms the Earth and its denizens. There are plenty of people who are voluntarily trying to cooperate with the Earth, and these people are also under the guns of Big Brother. They are the permaculture homesteaders, the regenerative farmers, those attempting to restore the rainforest and protect it from destruction, those who protect our public, people-owned wild areas from avid miners and loggers and others who would take over these places for self-profit, at the expense of the people and other Earth denizens who benefit from wild areas. These are not those who would tyrannize us. The tyrants are those in the government who want to empower the destroyers, ignoring the ordinary people they hope are destined to become slaves. So, I completely reject those who have "captured" the awareness that we have not been kind to Earth and who wish to mandate for profit and control, but do acknowledge that a free change of minds, hearts and awareness is needed if we wish to continue with any nurturing wild areas left. May God help us.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

YES What allows TYRANY to Thrive or Die ?

Our Premise / Need for humanity / God Dilemma NOW.

Denying, avoiding, deceiving, blaming . . .

OUR valuation / choice / RE-Membering or forgetting G O D. Allen S.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

Dear Glen, THANK you for your most important and valuable POINT.

Our rights come from God !

My ally is God. My friend is God. My wisdom comes from God. Our family, community and representation comes from God. Allen S.

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Thanks Allen!

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This is going to sound way too negative but I believe the human species is done for! Done for by itself, not by some external evil entity but by the evil that has taken root and grown in each and every one of us. Taken root but stays hidden in many while in still many others it roars out blatantly. I feel the few that fight against it have to fight for their own souls; they cannot fight for the souls of others. One can point out where the road lies or the direction to take but those others have to travel that road themselves, they cannot hitch a ride back for that journey back is their life learning!, their understanding of how their took the wrong road and their salvation lies in realizing their wrongdoing, repenting and returning. How many do we see falling on their knees and repenting when just about each and everyone of us needs to get down and repent. How many of us can do so when the first sin most of us suffer from is the making of Money our God! We feel so much pleasure and peace seeing a nice fat bank balance than we feel in seeing a fat Bible. The next sin would be lust and who is free of this sin? Who can be. With time and age this sin declines but then when are we going to pay for the sins of our earlier years; can they be swept aside and forgotten as if they never happened. It's tough to fight the good fight when the good fight does not need others to be defeated but only the evil within them to be defeated while they should be shown love. Love thy enemies Our Lord said somewhere in the Bible. Can We? I Can't. I don't even know what such love means and there are no answers from the pulpits that can explain such concepts. Preach about them yes, explain with practical examples, no!

Yes, I do get the feeling we are fighting a losing battle for the tipping point has been reached!

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I respect your choice, awareness and interpretation. That is ALL WAYS yours.

Awareness IS within every IN-dividual. Empowerment is me & God's Spirit in WHAT do I / We want / choose. When I Align with-IN - I / We are LIVING God's Way. Surrender the outer control, interpretation and poison of a FALSE FUTURE without GOD. Adapt - Trust - Love - please. Allen S.

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I understand your frustration Jerome. But if I may, I suggest that you check yourself to see if you have also fallen for their propaganda. A huge aspect of their propaganda is to convince people that it's all over. To give up and to not even try anymore. Yes, the news is fully of craziness, but what do you notice if you turn off the news? Stop looking at the headlines. Go one week without the news in any form, Twitter, etc. Get out in the real world and talk to people and observe real life. It's full of good people living their lives and trying to help others and their family. This is the proof that the world is not crazy. Yes, the crazy people are the loudest. The propaganda is intense. But get outside the propaganda. The VAST majority of people all around the world are good people.

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I am forced to disagree regarding the mind-altering propaganda of msm because I have zero contact with it; no twitter, no instagram, no facebook, no radio or tv news, no newspapers online or print edition. All my info is coming from the alternate media and it scares me and keeps me awake. I know you mean well and you are fighting valiantly to preserve our God given freedom and liberty still I'm sorry to say that personally I feel there is no real world with real people out there, me included, the majority are in a fog, try telling someone the dangers of the shot - you get a blank stare back. They instantly tune out. What is real to most is let me earn some and then earn some more no matter that may I pray 'Our Father, Who art in Heaven, give us this day our Daily Bread'. Yes, pray for daily bread but look to earn many 'daily breads' in one day. I'm like that too. I will not feel secure if I was only earning each day my daily bread only and trusting tomorrow to his care like so many other living species do. Yes, I may be confused and definitely overwhelmed with what is happening in our world today and feel lost, very lost but that's me; I appreciate you and others like you that are holding the line, more power to you and I pray you succeed. Sorry to sound so negative.

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I appreciate your honest response, and I'm sorry for your view on the world. Here's how I see the world we live in: We are each a Soul, and as Soul we are each God's loving creation. We are each here to learn what God wants us to learn. This Earth is our schoolyard. This journey is individual. We can choose to get caught up in group-think, or what happens to us as a whole, but that is just you choosing to tie your individual awareness to the group consciousness, which is always a low consciousness. An individual's awareness, their level of happiness, their level of adaptability to what happens around them is their business and their responsibility. We are each responsible for our own spiritual growth. We can choose to be happy and a beacon of light and open our heart to God, or we can choose to live in fear, worry, and anxiety which closes us off to God's Love. I know that is a simplistic statement. Life is fully of complications and it is always challenging, but underneath life's challenges is this simple choice. Nothing I am saying is a reflection on you, but rather, I'm just sharing how I view life. Thanks Jerome.

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Thanks Glen, appreciate you taking the time to respond and help me out of this fog.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

This is one of the most well-written articles I've read from you, and I completely agree. I just don't know what hope there is for secular Western societies like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand who have largely dismissed the existence of a creator.

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Thanks Brian. There is hope, but only if we remember that the government doesn't have the authority to take away our rights. Please share!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

Well said!!! People forgot about God and the 10 commandments as if they don’t exist. I hope we can change our thinking and once again learn to pray.

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Thanks Marilyn. My message was not as much religious as the fact that government doesn't have the authority to take away our rights. This is the core message I want to express.

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