Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Dear Glenn,

I so appreciate your products and newsletter, as well as your invitation to respond to this recent post. Unfortunately, I respectfully disagree with your opinions regarding the Federal Reserve Bank and our recent 2020 Presidential election. Your reasoning regarding the Federal Reserve Bank's motives and "need for chaos and distraction" is not supported by any facts. You say: "they had to turn the illness into something massive, while shutting down the economy and causing considerable chaos," seems to be faulty logic and scapegoating. How did the Federal Reserve do those things, Glenn? How could a bank or its officials be responsible for the massive contagion, deaths, and required shutdowns? To impute such motives (or power) to the Federal Reserve bank, seems paranoid, angry, and unfounded. I would be interested to know more regarding these charges against the Fed. Thanks for sparking my interest in the role of the Federal Reserve. I am doing more personal research because of your writings.

My question to you: How can you not hold our current President responsible for the economic impact and longevity of the pandemic? He is our Commander and Chief! Trump admits he personally minimized the pandemic danger, then failed to act decisively to educate our public, and support early shutdowns, PPE for essential workers, invoking the Defense Production Act early in the pandemic, and utilizing executive power to provide immediate financial relief for the unemployed and families in need. During the worst of the pandemic (the last few weeks to now), Trump demonstrated his priorities: re-election. Rather than a focus on our citizens, national protections and support, Trump held super-spreader campaign events-with sometimes as many as 700 CoVid19 + tests resulting for attendees, and many dying after attending his events. I feel what has occurred in America this year sounds more to me like Presidential failure to lead, defend and protect. Trump’s presidential priorities has been to dismantle or weaken vital institutional protections, such as the EPA, CDC and the ACA, despite a national and global health crisis. His Presidency has been fraught with personal, institutional, and social chaos. I clearly hold Trump responsible for the chaos in our economy, and the charges you have attributed to the Fed.

As for the election - time, recounts and close scrutiny of any purported fraud will tell us who will lead our great country. I hope and pray we can get through this national chaos peacefully.

Glenn, you presented no facts or sources to support your opinion regarding this piece, so I can only assume you published your writing as opinion-only. Therefore, this is my opinion-only response. I thank you for the chance to respectfully respond to your piece. We are all in this together, collectively effected by these issues and sharing opinions like this is one of the reasons I love our dear country and freedoms.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jenny in New Mexico (November 8, 2020)

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Hi Jenny. Thanks for the response. My perspective is certainly not angry. I didn't explain my views because I've already explained them in depth and didn't want to just repeat. Please see the article I wrote in April. https://glenn.substack.com/p/my-perspective-of-covid-19 And yes, my views are strictly my own. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

As for the Trump bashing, I think people have lost all perspective. You will notice that my article says what I think will happen, without taking sides.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

It's all quite simple, really. The white horse is riding. ;)

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Here’s my take. Calling our current reality a bad dream or nightmare doesn’t really do it justice. It’s more like watching an accident in slow motion without an ability to intervene. We’ve all been muzzled and fed a continuous diet of FEAR for months! We fought back and voted...our choice was obvious! And yet here we are. I truly believe God is our defender and he knows exactly what he’s doing. Having said that...it doesn’t mean he wants us to be idle. We all need to prepare and listen to this wisdom. Thank you Glenn for your courage to speak the truth and lead by example. Kudos to you!

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Thank you Kristin. Yes, we have been fed fear for months and people have been sucking it up. I said in April that the media will NEVER de-escalate the illness hype, which has definitely been a huge factor in how the world is going. It is up to each of us to question what we hear, not trust people in authority and demand our own freedoms back. This won't happen if we live in fear.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Fascinating insights. Many people i know as well as myself have been refering to the wizard of oz scene where the professor tells Dorothy to ignore the man behind the curtian. We as the human race MUST wake up and.look behind the curtian at the ego driven fear mongering elitist who think the are smarter and know whats best for us. We are not children who need to have someone tell us how to live or.whats best for our well being.

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Thanks Kim. They aren't doing it for our own well being. It's about power and control, which I know you understand.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

I know you are not a financial guru, but what you say makes a lot of sense. What do we do if we are about ready to retire and our retirement is largely dependent on a CALSTRS organization. If we take the money out it is a smaller lump sum and we don't get life time income. I lived through the inflation of the 70s and wonder if you agree that buying tangible useful assets is sensible as they will only cost more later. If buying a car, would your advice be to take a loan or to buy outright? Finally, how do you make sure you can get access to overseas stored gold? Also, family loves the Pirate game. My grandkids have begun making up their own cards, and some are hilarious:)

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Thanks for the note about ZAM-POP! I love that they are creating their own cards. I want to make a competition for creating cards. Regarding the financial side of things...

First, I don't know when this is going to happen. I thought it would have happened long ago, even years ago. The Fed is amazingly adept at keeping this inflated bubble from popping. I never would have guessed that they would have been able to keep it alive this long, and maybe they will be able to keep it alive for much longer. I don't know. I don't think they will be able to, but no one knows the future.

Second, I feel very nervous about saying anything about retirement funds, like what you are referring to because I don't want to be responsible for any actions you take. I personally would be worried about it. I would definitely do your research on it, and I would question everything they tell you. 99% of financial experts work within the system, and have never for a second thought that the system itself may fail. I like to listen to Peter Schiff and Robert Kiyosaki.

Third, I would definitely get prepared with food, water and everything else that you need to live for a few months. This is the time to get prepared. As far as buying a car or anything else, I think it's best to be very conservative with what you spend your money on, but at the same time I don't trust the banks to hold my money because I think they could come crashing down. I think it's best to get your money outside of the banking system, such as gold, silver and crypto. As I said in a previous article though, I don't want gold sitting in my house, so I like the overseas storage places. Did you see my article on the overseas storage of gold?

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

I think you need to stop searching for boogiemen in dark hallways. There are enough real problems in the world; you do not need to invent more. Write a novel to channel your imagination more appropriately.

As far as the election, Biden received more votes and a recount may slightly alter the count, but it will not change the final result. In my state (PA) any corruption has been done by the Republican party. They wanted chaos around the voting. They could have allowed the paper ballots to be counted as they were received or even started the counting a few days early, as all the election boards wanted and which would have prevented problems and cost nothing, but they wanted to create mistrust of the results. The head of the state GOP actually discussed with the Trump campaign about overriding the popular vote and having the legislature appoint electors who would vote for Trump if there was confusion about the election results. He said the constitution allowed for this remedy. Now there is your novel.

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Thanks Bonnie. Invent more real problems? I think the evidence is very clear that the dollar is in serious trouble, and if (when) it crashes our world will be dramatically changed. This is a bigger problem than Trump versus Biden. By your response though, you can see what kind of chaos would be unleashed on the country if Trump actually won. The country would burn. What I say may not come to pass, and I hope it doesn't.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

There is no mystery about the 14th Amendment. It's been in plain sight for over 200 years. You may want to read it sometime.

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The 14th Amendment is quite a long one. What are you referring to?

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This IS an insurrection and must be declared as such.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Section 2:

[W]hen the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

In other words, by committing ballot fraud and supporting nationwide censorship via Big Tech, states like Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Illinois and others have “abridged” the right of people to vote. Voting in a fair and free election requires access to fair and free information, and that’s exactly what Big Tech censorship has denied the American people, in addition to outright fraud.

Furthermore, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment allows the president to remove from public office any public official or member of Congress who has violated their sworn oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.

As stated in Sec. 3:

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

It’s time for President Trump to declare an insurrection / rebellion to be under way in the United States, call for the arrest of Big Tech CEOs like Jack Dorsey, and remove from public office all traitors in the House and Senate (as well as mayors and governors) who are enemies of the United States Constitution.

These powers are clearly described in the Fourteenth Amendment, and it seems history has brought us to this moment where President Donald J. Trump must invoke it to save the Republic.

We cannot sit back and allow blatant, illegal, coordinated vote fraud to steal this nation.

Credit Mike Adams for the insight here.

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Thank you Sandra. What you are talking about would put us into a civil war though. Like I said in the article, the media has been preparing people for Donald Trump not leaving office. They would see it as a coup. He would have to have dramatic evidence for doing something like that. I agree with you about the arrest of the big tech CEOs though.

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We might need a civil war if we want to live in a Republic again.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Biden is a globalist, Trump is not. The globalists want Biden in power.

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Biden is a crook, his handlers (the puppetmasters) are the globalists.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Agree as regards the globalists of which the Federal Reserve is a part. I believe you need add in Bill Gates plan to force vaccinate and microchip everyone so that the peons can be tracked.

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I think that Bill Gates and forced vaccinations are a real problem, but they are not the core problem.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

New World Order and the Mark of the Beast

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Nov 7, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

So what do you do if you need housing right before this dollar collapse. Buy or rent? Where we live, the real estate market is sky high (Idaho) and we're looking at paying over 200 grand for a small house in a small town. What's a currency crisis going to do to people's mortgages?

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Hi Leslie. Please see the answer I gave Chuck, but I want to be clear that I'm not qualified to give advice on this. Here are my thoughts though... One of the guys I listen to, George Gammon, who is a very smart guy and he knows what is coming, says that he does not own his home, but rather rents right now (I believe I am right on this), and he owns gold, silver and other investments and is waiting for the right time to cash in part of his gold and silver and buy investment assets with it. Chuck makes a good point about non-inflationary mortgages though. If it were me, I would put the minimum down on a house (the right house) with a fixed rate mortgage and put the rest into gold, silver and some mutual funds managed Peter Schiff's company. But then I'd really study the gold and silver experts, and get their perspective on when to sell and what to do with it when you sell. I don't know what is best for you, nor do I know that what I'm saying with the dollar crash is actually going to happen. I am confident that it is going to happen and am planning accordingly.

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Nov 8, 2020Liked by Glenn Meder

Any debt you owe will be a win. If you owe $200,000 in 2020 dollars and the 2023 dollars are worth half of that AND if your income has kept pace with the inflation, you will be way ahead. It is the holder of the note who loses. Just take your mortgage contract to a real estate attorney and make damned sure there are no inflationary clauses in it. I would not rent at this time. Rents can be adjusted to keep even with inflation. A mortgage without inflationary clauses is protection against runaway inflation. Get the longest term you can get. Make sure there is no pre-payment penalty in the loan. That way, should inflation really take off, you can pre-pay in 2020 dollars with what the dollar is worth in 2023 or 2025 or whenever the dollar's house of cards finally collapses.

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Debt will be a win only if you own something that maintains it's purchasing power while the dollar collapses. For example, if you own a house and owe $100K on a fixed rate mortgage, and if the dollar hyperinflates so that it takes $10K to buy a loaf of bread, yes, the $100K is very cheap. But if you don't make any money because the business you work for went out of business, you still can't pay the $100k off. In this scenario however, the value of gold would probably maintain all of it's purchasing power. In other words, an ounce of gold that costs $2k now, could be worth $200k if the currency hyperinflates.

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