Yes, I did love today's newsletter! Every point made me think; alas, this brain has stopped thinking and worse, this heart has stopped feeling. I see a very bleak and foreboding future for most humans. Some, very few, very very few will see, recognize and warn, like you do; but the rest of us are in line - up the hill and over the cliff. And when we fall off the cliff we won't be in any different state than we were in before falling off the cliff. Zombies is what we have become! My only question is How and Why did we reach here.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

This was a fantastic new letter Glenn. Hit it dead on the money


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Thanks Pat!!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

Beautiful, Glenn. Thank you. Too many people are following the direction of the recent spoof movie that was briefly popular - Don't Look UP. I am forwarding this to several people. Thanks again. Elizabeth

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Thank you Elizabeth!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

Right on Glenn..thank you for sharing!

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You're welcome!

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You are right about Fox News. It may not be what you are referring to, but Fox News does a very good job of hiding the fiscal mismanagement by the past President. When he signed a budget bill in August, 2019 that suspended the debt ceiling for two years until July, 2021, that was probably one of the most irresponsible things that he did in his administration. Six months into that 2 year period of having no debt ceiling, we had large amounts of money approved by Congress for the reaction against the virus. The last six months of that 2 year suspension of the debt ceiling was the first six months of the current Administration and we had the complete control of the U. S. House, U. S. Senate and the Executive Branch by Democrats. With that, they passed, I believe, two large spending bills with no need to worry about the debt that it would incur because of what the previous President signed. Fox News likes to blame all of the spending and debt on the Democrats, without accounting for this action by the past President.

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If you are making this just about Fox News, you are wrong and you've totally missed the point. NONE of them can be trusted. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS are all totally corrupt.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Glenn Meder

I know that all of the media that you mentioned in your comment are totally corrupt. I do not watch any of those news stations except Fox News. I only watch a couple of shows on Fox News on the weekend. I was just trying to show how blatantly biased Fox News is for the past President. Fox News will only show what they believe is positive about the President and absolutely hide anything else concerning his fiscal policies or anything that doesn't fit the narrative that he is perfect.

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Got it. Totally agree! Thanks for that!

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At least Americans are willing to not support companies that go woke.

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Yes, but how is this going to protect our freedoms? Fighting for our freedom requires much more than this.

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