Glenn, Mom and I apologize that we missed your webinar. Mom has been mostly confined to bed and I've been busy, had a lot on my mind. When will you have your next live webinar?

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Hi Monica, sorry you missed it. I will do another one in June sometime. Everyone seems to love them.

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Hi Glenn, I noticed with the DuckDuckGo browser that almost every website and sometimes even web pages that load will keep reloading several times at first. What does this mean?

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Just for everyone else's reference, DuckDuckGo is a search engine, but they also offer a browser for iOS and Android. Regarding your questions, I don't know. Check to see if you can update your app. If that doesn't help, you can submit feedback to DuckDuckGo from within the app. I don't think anything sinister is going on.

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Hi Glenn, sometimes when loading a site, such as a store, it will give me an Access denied page, saying "You don't have permission to access ...............on this server"and a reference number beside it. What does this mean?

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That simply sounds like the website is having trouble. There is a lot of stress on websites right now because of the rise of cyber terrorism and hacking.

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Glenn, one tricky thing when it comes to cancelling paid subscriptions because of closing accounts associated with them, is that when starting over with a new account in a different name and info, one would have to start over paying for a new subscription. I'm speaking for both of us. And there's a chance that she wouldn't get her money back, and she can't afford to pay twice. So far, when we have canceled things like this, we have found that most places will stop charging us at the time of renewal, when when we were set up for automatic renewal, instead of refunding us. How can we get around this easily? Is there something we can tell these companies so that they can make an exception and refund her?

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Why do you want to cancel the subscriptions? I don't see any advantage of canceling subscriptions that you already have. Make the changes on new things moving forward.

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I see your point, Glenn, but then Mom would be "two different people", meaning Faith at these subscription places and an anonymous person every other place. That's not exactly a clean start for her. The places she has subscriptions with would still know her as the same person at the same address. We are aiming to hide every detail we can about us. You know how most companies sell our personal info and general data. I don't want us to get in trouble with anyone in trying to hide, but we don't want to be known by our real names anymore --anywhere.

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Hiding every detail you can and going completely invisible is beyond the scope of this course. The only way to go completely invisible is to move to a new home and set it up properly from the get go, and sell your car and buy a new one in the proper way, etc. As I've said before, there are people who make it their life mission to be completely invisible, but it is a full time job. You will always be thinking about privacy. My goal is to give people a balance that allows them to live a normal life, while protecting their privacy as much as possible.

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Hi Glenn,

I had recently wrote you about a privacy concern. I had another thought, though: What if I had Mom close her existing online accounts and and then start over creating new accounts using a random name and the Privacy cards to go with that name. What do you think? It's better than trying to change her name on existing accounts, because sites would know it's still Mom, but trying to be someone else, and they might have a problem with that, right? Thanks.

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Hi Monica, yes, changing her names on existing accounts won't change those accounts from being connected to her. Starting up new accounts is the only way to do it. But be aware that big tech doesn't like you hiding from them and they will make it hard for you.

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Apr 27, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Mike Lindell activated his new website, FRANK, last week. He says his intention is to be a combination of youtube, twitter, facebook. A presence on it should be beneficial for your aspirations. He reported requests of two (2) Billion the first couple of days.

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

First thing to regain your rights is to stop thinking USA is the world's beacon of freedom and peacekeeper. Get your troops back home, mind only yourselves and once your home is in order, start to advice others, not the other way around.

And that incluses other countries too l'île mine, France : we must have a clean house before to wash the others.

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I never once mentioned anything about American being the peace keeper of the world. I agree that America should not be the peacekeeper of the world. We need to get out of everyone else's business. And I agree that we need to get our house in order. But America is the beacon of freedom of the world because of our Constitution, and our belief in our inherent rights, which are given to us by God. If America's freedom falls, the rest of the countries in the world will not keep their freedom either, but if we turn this around and regain our freedom, then we will again be the example for the rest of the world.

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The manifesto and plan you have is excellent. May I suggest some free help that is available. There is a fantastic group at the National Center for Constitutional Studies, phone 208-645-2625 or just go online. They offer copies of the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence included, in bulk, at a very reasonable price. I bought several dozen for $1 each and distributed to family and friends. When I taught school, every student got a copy to take home and share with family. They also offer a FREE course in the meaning and comprehension of the Constitution online available anytime. I forwarded your video and other information to all I know.

You do realize that there are groups who have been beating the drum, so to speak, about the Constitution for a very long time. They are beaten down because of lack of advertising, lack of interest, and just plain exhaustion trying to keep things together.

Most do not understand the importance of the Constitution and the very, very important role the States have in its enforcement. May I suggest that a grassroots plan start strongly in the individual States and cities. That is how the Tea Party got going, with Meetup groups and people spearheading this focus. It might work again. There are plenty of Tea Party people still around. Seeking help from some conservative, independent, constitutional groups would help the mission and really spread the word.

In 2004,Public Law 108-447, was passed requiring the following: (1.) Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the Constitution on 9-17 (2),each Federal agency or dept. shall provide educational and training materials concerning the Constitution on 9-17. There are resources found for holding this celebration on 9-17 at nccs.net (National Center for Constitutional Studies). Online or call.

What you are doing is a great start, but believe me, it is a long, uphill struggle, especially with all that is going on and the many diversions the government is creating to keep us from seeing and objecting to what is going on behind closed doors. This mission needs some key players in politics, in entertainment, in business, in ordinary households with children, grandparents and a Mom and Dad who realize the kind of world they may be leaving to their children.

The dollar is ready to collapse as worthless, the national debt is impossible to pay, everything needs fixing-climate, water systems, roads, everything, countries are on the verge of another war, disease is killing thousands, and we have politicians and groups arguing about statues of long dead, masks that say Jesus Loves Me on a child, and so many other issues that mean nothing. Can't we get past this nonsense and ignore it for what it is-a diversion- and focus on a single piece of paper-the Constitution of the United States....its only keepers, the people, so said George Washington.

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great information, gina. thank you! I'm looking at nccs.net. looks great

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You are most welcome. There is a lot more info out there just waiting for the inquisitive, the intelligent, and those who believe in freedom of self and mind. Stay safe and well.

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Hi, Glenn, thank you for providing us with a platform to rally around & start doing the work. May you never be censored or banned, but be a guiding light! It is time to ditch the fear & Wake Up!

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Thank you so much Connie!! I really hope that people rally around this mission.

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Great mission, but things are very tight economically now & are soon going to get tighter unless something doesn't radically change. The U.S. could become another Argentina.

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Hey, Mark, you are so right, but unlike Argentina, We the People have the right Constitutionally to demand the gov't not go down that road and they fix it! And that takes work, our teamwork, to make them hear us!

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I agree that things are tight and they are going to get tighter, but what does this have to do with the mission of ensuring our freedom? Our freedoms are under attack now, so now is when we have to fight for the Constitution.

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I love your video

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Thank you!

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Did you know that Hillsdale College in Michigan has a series of free courses on the constitution?. I am now on the seventh of eight. I heartily recommend them. They have courses on other topics also. All are free but, of course a contribution is appreciated.


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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

These courses have been recommended to me by others who are defenders of the Constitution and want to be well educated. I'm going to try them out.

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Yes, I know. They are very good. But I think we need a different angle to spread the word.

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Yes, we need action items, and not waiting until the next election.

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Yes. that is true. Even though I am taking the courses I would like a chance for discussion.

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