Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

Glenn, in your newsletter you said: " If the bank gets in trouble, it can seize your money". What about credit unions? Can they seize your money also?

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Thank you, Glenn, for the list. I noticed today that more people seem to be wearing masks. If they like that, fine, but am wondering if more pressure for vaccines is on the horizon. Some children are being required to have boosters/vaccines to go to school. (please, people, homeschool) Listen to those around you. If you find some of like mind, cement the connection. We will all need each other.

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Thanks Elizabeth. Yes. Homeschool!

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Oct 14, 2022ยทedited Oct 15, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder


You have hit the nail on the head, the Psychology behind this whole scenario has been the Weapons of Power, Deceit, Fear, and Control, the four emotions are self-loading into the Subconscious mind, unlike the Conscious mind which turns off during sleep, the Subconscious mind remains active, hence the reason for experiencing dreams. The reaction for this is you are constantly thinking about the risk of infection, many people wake up with a degree of panic during the Pandemic, in essence Covid was no different from the Flu, it was blown considerably out of proportion by the inventors to create Panic. Has the plan worked absolutely NOT, be ready for the next plan to emerge by these amateurs they have been exposed for who and what they are, we now know how to handle the next Conspiracy.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Glenn I agree with all of your statement with ONE IMPORTANT ADDITIONโ€ฆ many people admitted to our hospitals in the USA were subjected to neglect, forced medication protocol with Remdesivir known to kill 50+% of those it was given , denial of the federal law โ€œRight to Tryโ€, denial of Ethics Committee Review, even recognition of legal health Power of Attorneys in many cases. Most victims in our hospitals died from the protocol mandated by the Hospital administration and backed by the CDC, WHO, FDA and the Medicare system. I know because my husband died at the hands of the hospital protocol. There are hundreds of thousands of widows and widowers who are fighting for justice for their spouses and children too. If anyone needs assistance please contact https://formerfedsgroup.org/. Pray for us that we will be heard. A lawsuit has been filed in Fresno CA in three hospitals and we are hopeful this will open the path for many others to come! https://gvwire.com/2022/09/13/three-valley-hospitals-sued-over-allegedly-forced-covid-medications/

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Yes, there are a lot of factors that I didn't include. Mine was just a partial list. Thanks for this addition.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

I would add that the stress of the whole situation and lockdowns also added significantly to the rates of being overweight and obesity, which is a main contributing factor to worse outcomes from c_v_d as well as almost all other diseases. Ironic or intentional?

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Yes. And the fear that they created added stress to people, which weakened people's immune systems.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

The Peepuls Dimokratik Republik of Kallyforniya passed a law that allows the goobermint to revoke the license of any doctor who does not follow "proven science". Wow. Is that dangerous? How long before Joe Public gets thrown in prison for not following "proven science"?

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Yes. This is a terrible overreach.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

The Peepuls Republic of Kallyforniya just passed a bill allowing the state to take the license of any doctor who does not follow "proven science". Well, look at the bright side. They didn't declare the penalty was burning at the stake, just licensure removal. No license - no work at least as a doctor, although I guess they could still flip burgers at Mickey D's. The next step, of course, is for John Q. Public to be incarcerated for not believing "science". Well, again on the bright side, haven't instituted hanging, drawing and quartering or burning at the stake for us non-believers.

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Yet. They haven't instituted hanging, drawing and quartering or burning at the stake for us non-believers yet.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

And yet there are MANY who still hold to the belief that the vaccine works; bless their hearts. I determined from the start (even before it became a political issue) that I would not get the jab. It was put together TOO quick with LITTLE TO NO testing; and for sure there was no LONG TERM testing; how COULD there be? Anyway, you are spot on. Thank!

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Thanks. As Mark Twain says, " It's easier to fool people that to convince them that they have been fooled."

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Glenn Meder

Glenn, Iโ€™m not sure this was in your list of concerns about how we should never forget when it comes to COVID โ€ฆ https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/stunning-testimony-pfizer-never-tested-covid-vax-to-stop-transmission-of-virus-we-were-all-lied-to

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Yes, that was included. Thanks for the link.

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