J Will is correct that JA did say that our Constitution will only well serve a moral people. I submit that only a moral people would strive to increase love & freedom throughout their society. So in essence, both of you are essentially agreeing with one another! God Bless You Both! Bob

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Thanks Bob! Great point!

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Regarding your comments on individualism, I agree wholeheartedly with the following proviso. One of the Founders (Adams?) said something to the effect that our form of government can only work in a moral society. Given the successful assaults over the past decades on what constitutes a moral society, one has to question how long we can survive as a representative republic. Absent a third great awakening, I have my concerns. J.W.

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Thanks J. I personally think we are a moral society. The vast majority are good people. A small fringe group of people has gained control of the power, and they are trying to twist us and convince us that we are not moral. We have to stand up and take our country back from these people.

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