Loved Tyler Fischer. About as unconfusing as the confused, lying tyrants in charge. Although it is difficult to understand the 50% or so that comply, I also understand how trying to sort through the lies can wear a person down to the point that they give up resisting. Today I read that 6000 people in Sweden have now received the Mark of the Beast chip for the convenience of no longer having to carry their vax papers. What???????????? The chip will also do so many other things like pay their bills, hold all of their medical records, etc., etc. Unbelievable!! Diana in Portland, where Weird is no longer the good magical kind.

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Your newsletters are unique.

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Great Newsletter! Robert Kennedy Jr. said that trying to keep a virus out of a mask is like trying to keep mosquitos out of a chain link fence! I've heard that 50% of the people (sheeple) are clueless about what is going on. The other 50% are "Awake" and will fight to the death for our freedoms. This group will not be brainwashed. Thank you for your work Glenn!

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Great read Glen, well worth the effort.

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Thank you!

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I absolutely agree about the sunlight. The same is true of nature. Winter is harder because there is less sunlight - for one thing, at least. Blessed are they who live close to nature and who do not have to drive in order to find a place to walk in nature among the trees. Thanks.

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Thanks Elizabeth!

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Yes, Glenn! Years ago, I read a book called The Bates Method by an eye doctor who says he stopped putting limits on the eye conditions that could heal when blind people got their site back. It's a fascinating look at how this is yet another way we have been told losing perfect vision is just how it is and part of aging. I tried to do what the book said but felt that I needed help so I looked for a Bates Therapist near me and we Zoomed during 2020. I am happy to say that I have reduced the strength of my glasses by three levels and I plan to get rid of glasses entirely. Anyhoo, Dr. Bates says starting at the sun - eyes open or closed - is excellent for the eyes and strengthening not only vision, but the whole body. So your intuition matches all of Dr. Bates' research. He also talks at length about "blackness" in his book which seemed to me a reference to the quantum realm which is a whole other rabbit hole of healing. Speaking of quantum healing, I've since moved on to The Medical Medium books which are absolutely incredible information; I've healed a long list of mystery symptoms that no kind of doctor I saw could help. The body is a miraculous healer when given the support it truly needs. Trouble is, we need to talk to each other and share our successes because the system wants us sick. Thanks for sharing and for all you do.

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Thanks Joanne! I will get that book!

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Nov 11, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Loved Drew Holcomb's song and Kevin Costner's story! The thoughts on discipline and love - grabs my heart.

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Glad you liked it!

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Nov 11, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

"I know that I am responsible for my health and that my health choices are mine. " - not so true anymore....

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It's a crime.

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Very interesting comment about the chickens. Although it is a workaround for Alaska’s climate, for people there is a time to rest the body as is a time for chickens to rest production. Nailed it for the pineal gland and melatonin! It is office workers who get melanoma generally. And melatonin is one of the key factors in preventing or healing from prevailing issues. I plead guilty to the blue light excess in the evening however.

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

You mentioned a water distiller. Some time ago you were selling stove top distillers and I believe rocket stoves. Do you still have them for sale? I am in the market to buy one.

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Sorry Dave. I am not selling those anymore.

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I would like a water distiller also. Who does sell them and how do I purchase one?

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I love this issue, Glenn!

The topic of the sun and health has always baffled me since there’s so much fear and antagonism towards the sun these days. As an Asian, overzealous sun-protection is hammered into our culture for mostly aesthetic reasons (aging) while in America people are more concerned about skin cancer and melanoma.

But the sun is the source of life since the beginning of time. Place a plant in a room without sunlight and it dies, animals don’t do much better.

I believe that when the body is aligned, it will let us know what will heal us. The analogy you made between self-discipline of the mind and a dog is so fitting. Thank you for all these reminders Glenn!

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Thank you! I love hearing another cultural perspective.

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Hi Glenn,

For what it worth, when I lived in Alaska, I had chickens. In the winter (sunrise 10 am, sunset 3 pm), I couldn't get them to lay eggs until I tried several things. Until I had all these factors, they wouldn't lay eggs:

1. liquid water (not frozen)

2. sufficient protein in the feed (i used a feed made with salmon scraps from the fish processors)

3. 10-12 hours of light

4. adequate brightness of light

5. The right COLOR of light

Once I got the first 4 factors, 15 hens started giving 2 or 3 eggs some days, other days no eggs. When I switched the bulks from "daylight" bulbs (about 6000 to 7000 Kelvin color temperature) to reddish orange light (about 4000 to 5000 kelvin color temp), it was like a switch flipped and they started really cranking out the eggs, about 80 to 90% of what they would do on a summer day.

Given the above, and the fact that so many in Northern latitudes suffer low vitamin D and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), often treated with special lamps and light therapy, I believe you are on to something. Research the pineal gland, if you haven't already. The decrease in blue rays at the sun's setting directly impacts production of melatonin, which aids sleep (unless you get exposure to artificial blue rays). So no doubt there are other health benefits from sun exposure, not just on skin, but in the eyes (maybe not looking straight at the sun, but certainly indirect light is normal).

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Thank you Brian. Super interesting.

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

On the other hand, Glenn, you should wear a hat with a large brim. Direct exposure to the sun's rays will facilitate the growth of cataracts. You probably already need glasses or will in a couple of years. Your eye doc will advise wearing sunglasses that filter out UVA and UVB rays.

If you notice photographs from the 19th century and early 20th century, you will see that everyone wore long sleeved shirts with the sleeves rolled down and buttoned. The shirts were buttoned at the neck and everyone wore a hat. It wasn't until John Kennedy appeared at the his inauguration without a hat that men stopped wearing hats outdoors. It's a fact that hat sales took a steep dive immediately after that event.

Prior to that time a gentlemen wore hats and tipped them to ladies that they passed on the street. A gentleman always removed his hat in elevators and held it in front of his chest. It was photographs of movie "stars" laying in the sun in Palm Springs that started the suntanning fad. My grandmother always said, "Only field hands were suntanned. A lady prided herself on her unblemished skin/"

Our grandparents or great grandparents knew the damage the sun would do to our eyes and skin and protected themselves from it. It was just the postwar generation that worshipped getting roasted by the sun. A rite of passage in the early summer when I was a teenager was to get a deep sunburn "to start the summer tan." We smeared baby oil tinted with iodine on our skin to create an artificial tan. All it did was baste our skin so that by the time we were 50 our skin looked like a turkey just out of the oven.

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But what about people before that? For thousands of years we have been outside all the time and I don't know what the clothing was. No, you don't want to get sunburned, and yes, you can overdo it. But in general, sunshine is very healthy. Also, many people, including me get too little sunshine. I'm trying to change that.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Please do a blood test for Vitamin D and supplement if necessary.

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I have never had a blood test for Vitamin D, but I take plenty of high quality vitamin D every day.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I loved the whole newsletter. Out bodies do indeed know what they need if we only listen and trust ourselves. The music was great. Love when you find music and musicians we might not ever find and hear otherwise.

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Thank you! Love it!

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deletedNov 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder
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Very interesting. Thank you!

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