May 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Hi Glenn. I watched your video from Marjorie Wildcraft email about big brother and big tech and I’m trying to forward your very important video to friends but they can’t get what I sent. Do you have a direct link you can send me so I can forward it to my friends? Linda, from MN

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Thanks. Please note that we will take it down in a couple days.

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Hallelujah! Thanks so much for your prompt response. ❀️

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Apr 10, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Fantastic article, Glenn!! You expressed so well how I have felt during this scaredemic. I want so badly to touch people and see their smiles. Many of us feel like that and I pray every day that more Sleeping Lions will awaken and roar so loudly that the insidious, draconian methods being used to gain control of humanity will be stopped. We must keep working for Personal Natural Sovereignty.

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Thank you Diana!

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Idyllic NZ life.

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It was, but please read my comments with Melanie (from NZ) below.

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Excellent commentary, based on having objectively evaluated the evidence and recognized the manipulative agendas behind the deeply injurious - to humanity - handling of this situation, that by the CDC's own admission recently, yields a 99%+ survival rate. In the UK, for example, Van Morrison expressed the situation perfectly in his recent song: β€œIn March 2020 on the government website it said that Covid is no longer high risk, yet three days later they put us into lockdown. Not many did question this very strange move. Ain’t that the truth.β€œ

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Thanks Marcela!

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Glenn - liked your commentaries on all the subjects you brought out - very good!

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Thanks Cressie!

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

The two videos of Dr. Naomi Wolf and Woods/Smith were very interesting. What Dr. Wolf talked about I am not surprised about. She told it like it is or is very possibly going to be - so we need to be prepared.

Woods/Smith gave a good take on things. Glad I heard both videos.

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I liked it. It was different, so to speak. Very interesting. I find checking out the lifestyles of people of the world so fascinating.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

The one world order mentslity had been gaining momentum since i was a child. People like bill gates and others believe the planet has far to many inhabitants to sustain us all wgile buying up mass alounts of farm land but not farming it. Pushing drugs all on the pretense that they are humanitarians them complaining theres too many pepple as i said. Ive learned a lot about vaccines from many experts in a docuseries. None of it is good and the fwct thst the government and social media refuse to allow any conversation otber than their agenda tells me there is something sinister afoot.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Exactly very disturbing

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Yes, the main point is the censorship. I agree. And what is worse is that many people refuse to open their eyes to the censorship or they agree with it.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

As a New Zealander, I enjoyed watching the last video of a fast-fading way of life. Our Leftist government is committed to Agenda 2030 and is taking rapid measures to implement it.

We live largely off our land at the coast, but constant new legislation is destroying our way of life.

In the days of my youth, I studied pharmacy, but quickly realised that the large drug companies were horribly corrupt and left the profession. We do our best to use natural medicines and supplements to stay healthy.

It's good to hear your perspective on things.

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Hi Melanie. Yes, I know that the NZ gov is in cahoots with all of this world gov agenda, but can you explain specifically how life is changing there? I'm curious. Are you North Island or South Island? My grandfather lived in Oamaru, which is where I spent most of my time. Thank you for the comments.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

We are in Northland, on the east coast, so rather a long way from the area you knew. :)

We keep our own beef and sheep, but the government is committed to cutting numbers and eventually eliminating livestock completely. We have a thriving hen and duck population, plus a number of rare and endangered wild species. We don't advertise that too much, because that would bring down the 'greenies' to legislate us further.

We have to use RDF tags on all cattle and register them at birth. They must be health checked every 3 years. We are at this stage, allowed to kill and process our own animals, but not, of course, for sale.

Fish takes are very limited and quite severely policed. We do still have a few wild pigs on our land.

Natural medicines are next in our government's sights, so they will not be available for long. We have lots of growing ability.

No new builds are allowed to be connected to natural gas. Gas BBQs are to be banned in the next few years. No more imports of fossil-fuelled vehicles after three years; they are de-comissioning our ONLY refinery...need I go on?

We are off-grid and cook and heat water with gas, which could be difficult, especially since they will also ban wood-burners.

We use roof water for our only supply, and that is soon to require a license, a water quality plan and regular testing.

Our way of life is slowly being throttled out of existence.

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Wow! They are going nuts, but that is the agenda. That is really amazing.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Oh, and I forgot to mention the gun controls - Dictatorship 101 - and they are about to be tightened...

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Yes, I think NZ is the testing ground for all of this stuff.

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You think correctly. This has been the case for several decades. a few of us have recognised it and tried to stand, but we are a pathetic minority. My main advice: STOP watching TV!

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

First: If you don't like to make Nazi comparisons, then don't do it! Simple! The experience of the Jews under Hitler cannot be compared to people chosing whether or not to be vaccinated. The statement is disgusting. Second: Vaccines have been used for a long time and have saved millions of lives. Have you met anyone with smallpox lately? No? That is because that disease has been irradicated thanks to vaccines. My guess is that you and all of your readers have had many vaccines without harm. If you went to public school or college, you were required to get vaccines. This is not a new story. The real story is why are individuals and media trying to make people fearful and paranoid about health practices that are common sense such as wearing a mask, avoiding close contact during a public health crisis, washing your hands, and yes -vaccines. Even George Washington required his troops to be vaccinated - with live virus- to prevent a smallpox epidemic. Finally, I do agree that most people in this country do not appreciate the importance of their microbiome and it's role in maintaining health or of the earth's microbiome to the health of the planet. Why does the government allow industry to poison our air, soil and water? Why is it that most of the items sold in a grocery store are actually unhealthy? These are much more important issues, in my opinion.

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It is not a comparison of people choosing to be vaccinated or not, it is a comparison of people being forced to undergo medical procedures against their will and being labeled as outcasts because if they don't comply. We are talking about a caste system in which some people will be denied free access to everything that other people enjoy. And the main point is that this is NOT about vaccines. The fact is, the vaccine passport is a Trojan horse that is specifically designed to steal our freedoms from us. Yes, it starts out as something minor (for some people), but as soon as we open this door, they will take more and more of our freedoms. People in power ALWAYS want more power. This is the purpose of the Constitution, to limit the power of power seekers. But in order for the Constitution to protect us, we must protect the Constitution. Our political representatives are not our masters, they are our servants. They cannot be allowed to step on our freedoms, and forcing people to accept medical procedures they don’t want to take is definitely stepping on our freedoms. And this incursion will only get worse. Watch the video about the Chinese Social Credit System, because that is exactly what they are putting in place here. And just to be clear, I am not an anti-vaxer, although I fully support people's choice to have any view they want to have. I have had a number of vaccines. But I am fully and absolutely against forced vaccines. As far as your question, β€œWhy is it that most of the items sold in a grocery store are actually unhealthy?” Simple. Because that’s what people buy. The market supplies what people buy, and that is freedom. And finally, regarding the Nazi comparison, I am married to a German. I have been to Germany many times and the people are wonderful. I have often wondered how good people could be turned into such monsters, as they were in World War II, and it’s because people didn’t stand up to the small incremental incursions on people’s freedoms until it was too late. By the time the Nazi’s were in power, it was too late. People need to stand up to tyranny before it gets too powerful. And the solution to tyranny is freedom. That is what this country was built on. I am amazed at how many people are supporting the authoritarian actions that are now happening.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

While I liked your newsletter and agree with most of it, I do wish you have put a sentence in there about the importance of good hygiene, for as you know, before the onset of modern hygiene, dysentery and cholera were big killers. Now washing after doing your duty stops those two problems and others also. You need to exercise your biome, get your immune system working hard but just be cautious of what dirt you actually roll in.

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Good point David. If I would have included it though, you and I wouldn't have had this little chat, so it worked out.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Couldn't agree more with you. Haven't trusted big pharma for years and unfortunately I no longer trust anything coming from government from the illegitimate white house on down, even the Supreme Court appears to be corrupt and no longer looks to the Constitution. The saddest part is how the young people are being indoctrinated and believe that government will take care of everyone. My hope is in God. I also agree with Chuck's comments. Have good day!

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Thanks Pat!

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Wow. Every bit of what you just said in that post is exactly the way I see things. I am a total natural health freak and wish that more people would learn about the benefits of everything you talked about. People who get talked into taking numerous medications are actually killing their own health system within their bodies. I spent almost 40 years in the health field and saw the limitations of traditional medicine firsthand. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Wonderful.

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Thank you William. Yes, it's common sense, or uncommon sense.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I think it is interesting that if one wants to leave a comment on Dr. Wolfe's site, one must sign up with google in order to do so. She mandates that which she complains of. If the owner of a website or blog or whatever requires posters to join one of the public forum systems in order to post they should be the last ones to complain about censorship.

I follow a readiness blog and the main reason I follow it is because there is no censorship exercised. Yes, sometimes we get rude comments and they are usually chastised by the followers of the list. Sometimes unpopular political content is posted and that results in free debate. That's what freedom of speech is all about. Some readers have responded that vulgarity and insults are freedom of speech. They are quickly chastised that freedom of speech must be self limiting. Try using vulgarity or blasphemy in court and see how quickly the judge will hold you in contempt of court. There is a time and a place for varying degrees of free speech. The courts have even recognized "inflammatory speech" as a defense against claims of aggression. The ruling being, that you had better watch your mouth otherwise you are liable to get a knuckle sandwich and it will be you who will be at fault for injudicious use of inciteful language.

So anyone who maintains a blog who also requires joining some organized public program such a facebook or google or twitter or any of the other inane computer applications that so many frequent should not complain about their medium being censored by the provider. She may have an important message but by limiting who posts to her comments she loses credibility in my book.

Well, Glen, you did ask for comments.

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I agree, but most people don't know anything about computers. I don't know if she does or not.

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I tried to post to her website and was stopped because I had to sign up with google something or other in order to post. Not gonna happen in my lifetime.β€”Chuck

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Some of us paranoid folk believe there is much more to this "pandemic" than meets the eye.

Some of us believe it is a test to see how far the sheep will follow the leader. How far can would be dictators go with edicts versus the way our government was originally set up with the various legislative bodies debating laws before they are passed with the hope that in rational debate, reasonable and effective laws would be passed. The executive branch was meant to carry out the debated results from the legislative branch. Executive orders in the view of us strict constitutionalists are unconstitutional and should be so ruled by the Supreme Court. There is no room in our government for executive orders. That is the realm of the dictator.

So for some of us, all this folderol of executive department "orders" is a dog and pony show to see just how far the executive branch can go before there is a revolt. From the results of this great farce we see that slipping into a dictatorship is actually quite easy, especially when you have the moguls of the media on board because they believe that they will be the ones in power when the great shift takes place. History would prove them wrong. Media folk are usually among the first ones put against the wall even when spouting the party line.

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Thanks Chuck. Totally agree. Most people don't understand that the Constitution actually gives very little power to the Federal government, but instead it gives the power to each State. That is why you see a lot of States pushing back on the Federal decrees. But the Constitution only protects us if we protect it.

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where can I get Novavax vaccine?,the rest are garbage.I'm in greater Rochester,NY area refuge0417@gmail.com

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No idea. You'd have to check locally.

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Reuters said May or July,Novavax[out of MD]was non committal.Rest of the vaccines not effective re South African/Brazilian variants plus their side effects in this geographicregion. Not opposed top vaccines per se,but not trusting of the leftists/Big Pharma either. Really need a Lyme disease vaccine.I REALLY need to escape marxist NYState for a small off grid property in TN,KY,NC,MT,UT.Read Joel&Andrew Skousens"Strategic Relocation"and"the Secure Home"Are yuo ready for the upcoming shooting war[within 6 years]with communist china.Biden and the rest are traitors.

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