Episode 8 is titled “We Must Wake Up”. This is a very important podcast in which I explain the endgame of the Fed and the global elite with the lockdowns and their global reset.
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We live in a world in which most of the media is propaganda. It’s very difficult to sort out truth from illusion. This is why it’s vital that you find independent voices that you trust and who are brave enough to say what needs to be said. If you like my perspective, please support me by becoming a Premium Member. I am an independent voice who is trying to speak up for our freedoms. The more support I receive, the more content I will be able to create. Become a Premium Member at: https://glenn.substack.com/subscribe?...
ILLNESS STATS: https://swprs.org/facts-about-covid-19/ and https://swprs.org/studies-on-covid-19-lethality/
MASK EFFECTIVENESS: https://ise.media/video/why-face-masks-don-t-work-according-to-science-15.html and this: https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/
LOCKDOWN EFFECTS: Effectiveness of lockdowns? https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/global/coronavirus-who-backflips-on-virus-stance-by-condemning-lockdowns/news-story/f2188f2aebff1b7b291b297731c3da74 and https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/29/half-of-worlds-workers-at-immediate-risk-of-losing-livelihood-due-to-coronavirus
The views expressed in this video or podcast are the opinions of the author and are created and published online for entertainment and informational purposes only. Glenn Meder is not a health care expert, a financial advisor or any other type of advisor. This information is not intended to be health, medical, financial or life advice and should not be relied on as such. The information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. The material we publish is from sources we believe to be reliable, but there are never any guarantees as to the accuracy. From time to time, we may participate in affiliate marketing. This means that we may earn a commission if you make purchases via affiliate links, but we only recommend products that we believe in. Copyright 2020 Glenn Meder. All rights reserved.
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